The full Hypnobirthing course taught by Angharad in a relaxed and friendly group setting with your birth partner. Price is per couple. Class sizes will be small and together we will enjoy working through The Little Birth Company's beautiful relaxation and hypnobirthing scripts to help you realise your own ability to dispel the myths and enjoy a calm, confident and empowered birth.
This class provides plenty of opportunity to discuss and ask questions and enables you to come together and share in this journey towards embracing birth. We'll explore all aspects of birth physiology, powerful hypnobirthing techniques, relaxation and breathing techniques, birth positions, fear release, protecting your birth space, enabling you to enjoy a positive birth no matter what path your birth story takes.
The course is 8 - 10 hours and will be taught over three sessions, classes will be either evenings or weekends and will be confirmed at the time of booking.
You will receive:
A full hypnobirthing and birth preparation programme
The Little Birth Company's Hypnobirthing manual
A home practice schedule
Ongoing support via email and phone until the birth of your baby
Positive Affirmations
Access to guided relaxation MP3s
Invitation to join a supportive, closed Facebook community group
I would be so pleased to hear from you if you have any questions or would like to discuss any aspect of the course. Please feel free to contact me at any time! x